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YENİ LİDERLER + YENİ SENARYOLAR New Leaders + New scenario

Lider Üretim    2 Cevaplar

Trial, 07-14-2020, 01:38 AM

New Leaders 
New Scenario


Alıntı:New scenario (Modern Day 2019)
Updated Leaders for some nations
Added new leaders for all the nations in the Modern Day 2019
Added some leaders for a WWI scenario
Added leaders of Football scenario
Added new leaders and photos for some random civilizations like:
- Texas
- California
- Mexican Empire
- Yucatan
- Baja California
- Sonora
- Mexico
- Vermont
P.D: You have to replace the leaders informations to the ones in the file or some leaders will not work

[Resim: image.thumb.png.5271575a1170b6cc9024b93a4ff63c9f.png]
[Resim: image.thumb.png.7571040b50fc02d0d046617a9eabadaa.png]

Alıntı:NEW UPDATE, It contains: 

- New leaders
- Correction of some leaders
- Some historic leaders from some nations
- Modified Kazakhstan and Algeria leaders
- Changed some leader images
- Added civilizations to the leaders
- Leaders from custom civilizations (Or in other way useless for the moment)
- Leaders with incorrect born dates (for them to appear in the correct scenario)
- Leaders without link to wiki pages
NEW UPDATE V2, It contains: 
- Some leaders for another civilizations
- Some Cold War, WW1 and The triple alliance leaders
- Update of some leaders
- Probably replace the 2019 map with another one
- New leaders for Modern World scenario of 2018

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Yeni Liderler (New Leaders 2.0) Güncelleme

Lider Üretim    Yorum Yok

Trial, 07-14-2020, 01:33 AM

Yeni Liderler (New Leaders 2.0) Güncelleme
Alıntı:Hello, this is my second pack of leaders.

[font=monospace, monospace]If you didn't download the first one, download it now, the download will be down there[/font]
This pack contains 22 leaders from Central America, North and the Caribbean.

Easter Island - Pedro Edmunds Paoa (Changed)

Falkland Islands - Nigel Philipps (Changed)

Panama - Laurentino Cortizo

Curaçao - Lucille George-Wout

Trinidad and Tobago - Paula-Mae Weekes

Grenada - Cécile La Grenade

Saint Lucia - Neville Cenac

Barbados - Sandra Mason

Dominica - Charles Savarin

Guadeloupe - Ary Chalus

Antigua and Barbuda - Rodney Williams

Puerto Rico - Wanda Vázquez

Dominican Republic - Danilo Medina

Haiti - Jovenel Moise

Jamaica - Patrick Allen

Cayman Islands - Martyn Roper

Cuba - Raúl Castro

Turks and Caicos Islands - Sharlene Carwrigth-Robinson

Bahamas - Cornelius Smith

Greenland - Kim Kielsen

Saint-Pierre and Miquelon - Sthephane Lenormand (Ficticia Birthday)

[font=Roboto,]Bermuda - John Rankin
[b]I didn't profile the wikipedia page and I didn't put skills[/b]


Her Hangi Bir Başka İstek Lideriniz Varsa Yazınız

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Oyun Senaryoları    Yorum Yok

theganda, 07-13-2020, 01:59 PM

Ek Dosyalar Ekran Görüntüleri

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Rising Sun: What if Japan won WW2?

Oyun Senaryoları    2 Cevaplar

Trial, 07-13-2020, 01:00 PM

Alıntı:This is a scenario where Japan wins in the Pacific during WW2. The Axis still loses in Europe, only changes are in Asia/Pacific.

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The correct scenario for 1900.

Oyun Senaryoları    Yorum Yok

Trial, 07-13-2020, 12:56 PM

[Resim: 98817907_javaw2019-02-1320-48-12-14.thum...c83f0b.jpg]
[Resim: 64686952_javaw2019-02-1321-33-56-81.thum...d401c0.jpg]

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1870-Paraguay wins the Paraguayan war-1870

Oyun Senaryoları    Yorum Yok

Trial, 07-13-2020, 12:54 PM

Alıntı:Esse é meu primeiro mapa, ele foi criado recentemente então coisas podem não funcionar lembrando que algumas fronteiras podem não estar certas (com a exceção do, Paraguai, Brasil,Argentina e uruguai, essas fronteiras foram criadas por min)  eu coloquei alguns eventos. É isso caso algo não funcione me falem aqui.  Eu atualizei e coloquei a america central, norte e a europa, possivelmente algumas naçoes da epoca podem nao existir ou estarem erradas. eu vou colocar em ingles e em portugues o post porque eu percebi que tem muita gente que fala em ingles e vi poucos Brs, é isso se algo não funcionar me avise e se quiser indicar alguma alteração indique por favor. adeus 
This is my first map, it was created recently so things may not work remembering that some borders may not be right (with the exception of Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, these borders were created by min) I put some events. That's it if something doesn't work tell me here. I updated and added central america, north and europe, possibly some nations of the time may not exist or be wrong. I will put the post in English and Portuguese because I realized that there are a lot of people who speak English and I saw few Brs, that's it if something doesn't work let me know and if you want to indicate any changes please indicate. goodbye

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