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Better Turkey+ HOİ4 Tam Paket Korsan Sürümle Uyumlu

0 Yanıt, 1909 Görüntülenme

Mod Hearts of Iron IV is a mod that makes Turkey more functional.
In addition to Historical roads, there are also many alternative future paths in the mod. Thanks to this mod, you can experience the ways of Federation, Caliphate, Cossak and many different ideologies and views made for the Ottoman Empire. If you are tired of the Ottoman Empire, we recommend you to play the Byzantine and Seljuk ways. For Turkey in 1938 and after, determine the fate of the people through Adnan Menderes, Cemal Gürsel, Circassian Ethem or anarchist ways! Rule Turkey historically or alternatively. Will you be a dictator, caliph, emperor, tyrant, president or sultan or more for your country.

Duyuru: Her Hangi Bir Mod Senaryo ve Makeleyi Tanıtmak İstediğiniz Taktirde Açıklamaya Forum Linkini Ekleyebilirsiniz, Bu Sayede İlgili Üreticiye Karşılığını Verebiliriz. Strateji Soft Ekibi

Ek Dosyalar Ekran Görüntüleri

Konuyu Okuyanlar: 2 Ziyaretçi

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