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(200 EVENT VE 40 YENİ LİDER) The Gathering Storm İçin Birinci Dünya Savaşı Modu!

9 Yanıt, 6807 Görüntülenme

The Gathering Modu İçin WW1 Senaryosu Yaptım. Senaryoda : 200 event (her eventte resim var) ve 40 yeni lider bulunmakta (Lider resimlerini hoi4'den aldım.)
Eventleri event olsun diye eklemedim. Çoğu eventte alternatif yollar var. (Yapay zeka her zaman tarihsel yolu seçerken sadece oyuncular alternatif yolu seçebilir.) Ve eventler barış antlaşması içermiyor. Savaşı kazanıp kaybetmek sizin elinizde!
2 Adet Senaryo Var:
1914 : 1914-1918 yılları arası event içerir (100 e yakın event var)
1911 : 1911-1918 yılları arası event içerir (tam 200 event var) (önerilen senaryo)
Ve 1936 senaryosunda ordu eğitince az bir ordu geliyordu. o özellik bu senaryoda da var.

İndirme Linki :

[Resim: 2044529840_Adsz.thumb.png.093563f175fedf...0175ec.png]

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Bet on football with free bet tips

Online Sports betting fervor has been on the rise and thanks to the advent of software like Bet365, it has never been easier to find out which team is going to win. In this article, you'll learn about how to take advantage of free bet tips from sporting events like football games. You probably already know that football is a huge sport in the US. One sport that you might not make as much of an effort to follow every week is baseball. But, what if we told you there's a way you can make more money betting on the MLB without even watching one game? That's right, with our free baseball betting tips.


Bet on football with free bet tips. With the World Cup kicking off in Russia, there's plenty of opportunity to get fresh new bets on your favourite sports. One of these opportunities is to sign up for a free bet tip service. People love football, but they don't always know how to join the game and predict who will win. This is where free bet tips can help people out. These bet tips are available for more than just one team, so it's easy to follow and contact a bookie when the score starts going against you.

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online betting is an excellent way to make the most out of your football bets. Free football betting tips online and the countless amount of odds available can help you avoid losing money and maximize your bets. Betting on football is a big part of many people's lives. With the multitude of online betting sites out there, you can bet on just about anything and win money. This blog gives tips for betting online and winning more often than not.

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Get your bets on the football games that are coming up by following our free bet tips. Bet on a football match for free with our free football tips. Our tips cover all European leagues such as the English Premier League, La Liga and the German Bundesliga. Our soccer predictions are available from today until the end of the season. Free bet tips are betting predictions that you can place a free bet on. It's not the same as a subscription because there is no obligation to keep paying if the bet fails. Free bets are free, but it usually requires an initial deposit to get started which is then returned upon winning.
Free bets offer a different return for each type of stake and amount of money put in:
Place 200 euros/$/£/€ on Chelsea to win the English Premier League and be eligible for up to 100 euros/£/€ or 200 euros/$/£/€
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Place £25 on Barcelona to win their match with Real Madrid

Sportsbook Review

Bet on football with free bet tips is a blog written by Charles W. Curtis that offers betting advice and other related content to sports fans. The blog generally offers opinion-based articles, but some of their content is solely facts and statistics. "Bet on football with free bet tips" is a blog about Sports betting. On the site, visitors can find reviews, information about different types of bets, and other useful content for bettors. "It's time to win big," according to the website's slogan.

What to Look for in a Sportsbook

If you are new to betting with a sportsbook, read this blog. It will help you understand what type of odds and lines you should be looking for. Before you decide on which sportsbook to bet with, there are a few things you should consider. You should always find a website that offers free bets. Some bonuses might be offered through a sign-up bonus, while others might be given as referral bonuses.

Pros and Cons of Sports betting

It is not unusual for people to be torn about whether or not they like Sports betting. There are pros and cons to this type of betting, which is why it really depends on the person's personal preference. Sports betting can be fun and exciting because you never know what's going to happen on the field or in the game. Betting on sports has been around for a long time. There is a lot of variety in the different types of bets, making it one of the most popular forms of gambling. One major thing that has changed since betting on sports was legalized is the availability of free bet tips from websites. These are spots which typically offer their readers predictions with odds in favor of or against certain teams or players.

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football betting is one of the most popular forms of gambling in the world. However, gambling for football is different from other forms of gambling like horse racing and casino games. Betting on football does not offer the same excitement or number of outcomes like other types of gambling. If you want to get a better chance at winning, it's important to use free bet tips that can help you find value bets. football betting has never been easier, thanks to free football betting tips. There are many ways to increase your chances of winning (for instance, by following the most popular football betting tips).


The best way to win a football match is to stick with it. If you're betting on football matches, you should make sure that you do your research before placing your bets. Don't be swayed by the odds because they can often be misleading. The most important point of all is that you don't bet more than what you can afford to lose. To bookmark or not to bookmark? That is the question. In this post, we'll be giving you some free bet tips that could help you win a lucrative football betting slip.
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Konuyu Okuyanlar: 2 Ziyaretçi

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