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11:59: A Cold War Mod

5 Yanıt, 15956 Görüntülenme

[Resim: image.thumb.png.dd52609f9ab9af43f5ac8ea4a1cf1b64.png]
So What Is 11:59?
11:59 is a total overhaul mod that focuses on historical accuracy as well as gameplay. Basically everything has been changed or altered, save for the core game mechanics or unmoddable pieces of the game. The feature list includes a brand new Decisions mechanic, (this will popup if your country has decisions scripted for it), a DEFCON mechanic (which is still work-in-progress), map changes, such as the 38th parallel in Korea (pictured below), West Berlin; canals, such as the Kiel Canal, the Panama Canal, and the Suez Canal. A brand new interface has been implemented. The soundtrack has been completely redone, and the list of tracks expanded to 52. There are now ~100 events, some of which are events that influence the AI's decisions (these events only popup for the AI, never the player) to ensure that it stays somewhat historical within the supported scenario: The Bear And The Eagle. Even more features such as custom province pictures for certain cities, the United Nations, and states and regions are also mentioned below.
Furthermore, the soundtrack has been completely redone, with 53 new songs. The interface has also been completely redone, so has the states (regions in the base game). Nothing has been spared. (Download by viewing our ModDB profile).

11:59 also features a realistic world map:

[Resim: 20190219175204_1.thumb.jpg.2c344dd4ddc5f...9ea56c.jpg]

Colourized Event Images:

[Resim: image.png.5fdf4070e7a84ce00adb0082d9680230.png]
[Resim: 20190322204722_1.thumb.jpg.631df4872c51d...964432.jpg]
[Resim: image.png.78bd1e4b2bb5f123c44d0e7e293bb851.png]
[Resim: 20190322204751_1.thumb.jpg.64abd46ff863d...1ab308.jpg]

Duyuru: Her Hangi Bir Mod Senaryo ve Makeleyi Tanıtmak İstediğiniz Taktirde Açıklamaya Forum Linkini Ekleyebilirsiniz, Bu Sayede İlgili Üreticiye Karşılığını Verebiliriz. Strateji Soft Ekibi

Merhaba,Sadece Bendemi Böyle Bilmiyorum Ancak Modun Backgroundları Mouse İmleci Normal Age Of History 2 Gibi Ancak Videoda Çok Hoş Bir Görüntü Var Oyunun Launcheri Yok Mecburen Korsan Sürümünü İndirip Korsan Sürümünün Aoc2.exe Dosyasını Aldım Ve Onunla Açıyorum Ancak Background Ve Mouse İmleci Videodaki Gibi Değil Nasıl Düzeltebilirim?
Merhaba,Sadece Bendemi Böyle Bilmiyorum Ancak Modun Backgroundları Mouse İmleci Normal Age Of History 2 Gibi Ancak Videoda Çok Hoş Bir Görüntü Var Oyunun Launcheri Yok Mecburen Korsan Sürümünü İndirip Korsan Sürümünün Aoc2.exe Dosyasını Aldım Ve Onunla Açıyorum Ancak Background Ve Mouse İmleci Videodaki Gibi Değil Nasıl Düzeltebilirim?
(10-27-2021, 02:51 PM)Hallfred Adlı Kullanıcıdan Alıntı:
[Resim: image.thumb.png.dd52609f9ab9af43f5ac8ea4a1cf1b64.png]
So What Is 11:59?
11:59 is a total overhaul mod that focuses on historical accuracy as well as gameplay. Basically everything has been changed or altered, save for the core game mechanics or unmoddable pieces of the game. The feature list includes a brand new Decisions mechanic, (this will popup if your country has decisions scripted for it), a DEFCON mechanic (which is still work-in-progress), map changes, such as the 38th parallel in Korea (pictured below), West Berlin; canals, such as the Kiel Canal, the Panama Canal, and the Suez Canal. A brand new interface has been implemented. The soundtrack has been completely redone, and the list of tracks expanded to 52. There are now ~100 events, some of which are events that influence the AI's decisions (these events only popup for the AI, never the player) to ensure that it stays somewhat historical within the supported scenario: The Bear And The Eagle. Even more features such as custom province pictures for certain cities, the United Nations, and states and regions are also mentioned below.
Furthermore, the soundtrack has been completely redone, with 53 new songs. The interface has also been completely redone, so has the states (regions in the base game). Nothing has been spared. (Download by viewing our ModDB profile).

11:59 also features a realistic world map:

[Resim: 20190219175204_1.thumb.jpg.2c344dd4ddc5f...9ea56c.jpg]

Colourized Event Images:

[Resim: image.png.5fdf4070e7a84ce00adb0082d9680230.png]
[Resim: 20190322204722_1.thumb.jpg.631df4872c51d...964432.jpg]
[Resim: image.png.78bd1e4b2bb5f123c44d0e7e293bb851.png]
[Resim: 20190322204751_1.thumb.jpg.64abd46ff863d...1ab308.jpg]

modun en yeni sürümü 0.92 b mi?
İndirme Linki Yoook
Apk sı yokmu? :d

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  1949 Cold war mod SezerAkkaya 3 4,190 11-26-2022, 08:08 PM
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Konuyu Okuyanlar: 2 Ziyaretçi

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